What causes Ear Pain during Flight Travel?

Why does my Ear Pain during Flight Ear pain is the most common medical complaint of airplane travelers and sometimes may result in hearing loss. Make air travel comfortable by learning how to equalize the pressure in the ears instead of suffering from an uncomfortable...

Tongue Tie – How does it affect children?

Tongue tie Is also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition in which the thin membrane under the tongue (the lingual frenulum) is too short or tight, restricting the movement of the tongue. This can interfere with breastfeeding, speaking, and eating. It is a congenital...
ADHD or just Adenoidal Swelling?

ADHD or just Adenoidal Swelling?

Is it ADHD or Sleep Apnea? Many a times I see parents who have a hyperactive child and worse they would have put the child in a special school or even taken the child to a child psychologist. What majority forget is that Adenoidal swelling mimics Attention Deficit...