Midnight Ear Pain: Eye Opening Video

Midnight Ear Pain Imagine your little one waking up crying, clutching their ear in pain – it’s heart-wrenching, right? One common culprit behind these midnight woes is Acute Otitis Media, a nasty ear infection that can be both painful and distressing for...

Painful Myringitis Bullosa 5 common symptoms.

What is Myringitis Bullosa? Also known as Bullous Myringitis, is a relatively rare but uncomfortable condition affecting the ear. It involves the formation of painful blisters on the eardrum (tympanic membrane), causing discomfort and potential hearing impairment....

What is a Rhinolith? – 4 common signs

 Rhinolith – Nasal Stone (Calculi) The word rhinolith is derived from the Greek words “rhino” (nose) and “lithos” (stone). While they are relatively rare, these stones can develop from usually the introduction of a foreign object, such as...

Sleep Apnea in Children

How to manage Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children Tonsils and adenoids are a part of the immune system and help to fight off infections, especially in children. However, in some cases, they may become enlarged and cause problems, such as difficulty breathing or...

Why Ear Infections are More Common in Children

What Is An Ear Infection? The middle ear is the space behind the eardrum that contains tiny bones that transmit sound from the eardrum to the inner ear. An infection can occur when bacteria or viruses enter the middle ear and cause inflammation. Why Are Children More...

Dry Cough due to GERD

Relation between Silent Reflux and Dry Cough Dry cough can be a troublesome and uncomfortable symptom to deal with. While there are many causes, one of the lesser known yet common causes is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is a chronic condition in which...