Thank you doctor

Hello Doctor.I am fine now . I took the medications as prescribed by you.There is a lot of difference from the previous visit.I can now hear even the slightest sound around me. Now I can listen in stereo mode! I even went through your website and links… Very...

Thyroid Nodules

Thyroid Nodule The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. Hormones secreted by the thyroid control body metabolism.  The thyroid nodule is the most common endocrine problem, are more common in women, if people exposed to radiation or had Hashimoto’s...

World No Tobacco Day

Today is World No Tobacco day and I would like to request the Smokers to quit smoking and those who have not started not to start it at all.Being a head and neck cancer surgeon, I have seen many a person who are less than 30 years suffer. Also they leave behind...

What is obstructive sleep apnea?

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Apnea means not breathing. Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s sleep, you might have sleep apnea. People with...