Coping With Stress

What are the possible signs and symptoms of stress Coping with Stress/Tension Stress affects the mind, body, and behavior in many ways and has the potential to harm your health, emotional well-being, and relationships with others.            How stress can affect your...

An uncommon cause of Nasal Obstruction

Concha Bullosa – Obstruction of Nose The middle turbinate, help keep inhaled air from going directly into your sinuses by deflection of inspired air superiorly, providing moisture to inspired air. There are many reasons people suffer from nasal obstruction....

What is Bad Breath.

Bad breath Is also known as halitosis, means that you have an unpleasant smell on your breath that other people notice when you speak or breathe out. The exact number of people with this problem is not known, but it is common.  How can I tell if I have halitosis?A...

An Informative Article on Snoring

Times of India – Snoring saps Energy Sleep disorders can have significant negative impacts on a person’s daily life. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and an overall decrease in productivity and quality of life. It...

Are Ear Buds Really Meant For Your Ears? Read and SAVE YOUR EARS

Ear Buds are not for Ear Wax cleaning Ear wax is produced naturally by the ear to protect the ear canal and ear drum from dirt, dust, and foreign objects. It is important to leave ear wax alone, as the primary purpose of ear wax is to protect your ear canal and ear...