Gratitude and Appreciation
Compassionate Healthcare In the world of medicine, clinical expertise is essential, but compassion is equally critical for true healing. A recent heartfelt letter from a patient serves as a reminder of how empathy can touch lives deeply during challenging times. This...Gratitude and Appreciation, patient testimonials
From: Axxxx P K To: patients@drkumaresh.comDate: Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 3:04 PMSubject: Heartfelt thanks Dear Dr. Kumaresh, I wanted to take a moment to express my profound gratitude for the exceptional care you provided during my recent visit. When I first came to you,...ENT, Gratitude and Appreciation, Head and Neck, Neurotology-neurotologist, paediatric ent, sleep apnea specialist
How does the clinic take care well-being of our patients. We take every measure possible to ensure that our patients receive the highest quality care in a safe and comfortable environment. UVC Disinfection: Keeping Infections at Bay We leave no stone unturned to...Gratitude and Appreciation, sleep apnea specialist
From: Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 7:14 PMTo: Dr. Kumaresh Krishnamoorthy Subject: Re: Pt. infoDrKumareshKrishnamoorthy,I m glad to give you the below testimonial in appreciation of the successful surgery I went through with you. Many...
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