Head and Neck, patient testimonials
From: A MSent: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 1:36 PMTo: drkkumaresh@hotmail.comSubject: Re:Thank you Dear Dr. Kumaresh, I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your invaluable help in saving my mother’s life. We initially noticed a swelling on the side of...ENT, Head and Neck, Neurotology-neurotologist, paediatric ent, patient testimonials, sleep apnea specialist
Surveillance The clinic has CCTV cameras in all rooms, with audio capturing facilities in some rooms. Appointment Policy Appointments are on a first-come, first-served basis within the given time slot. If you cannot come within that slot, it is your responsibility to...Head and Neck, Neurotology-neurotologist
In spite of all the challenges, instances like these make me, as a super-specialist, deeply grateful for my skills and training. One case that stands out is a child who was profoundly hard of hearing and extremely hyperactive and inattentive due to her condition. Her...
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