Turbinate Hypertrophy
Turbinate Hypertrophy Causes Sleep Apnea Picture this: You are in the midst of an internal meeting at the workplace. Your boss or senior colleague is championing the virtues of his latest idea on cost-cutting measures. Slowly, his voice lapses into a muter, even while...
Glue ear – Otitis Media with Effusion
What is Glue ear or OME Glue ear, also known as otitis media with effusion, is a condition in which fluid builds up in the middle ear. This fluid can cause a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear, and it can also interfere with hearing. The condition is called...
Adenoids and Adenoidectomy
Adenoid - Location, function and Removal Adenoids are made of glandular tissue and are part of the immune system. They trap bacteria and viruses which you breathe in through your nose. Like tonsils, they contain cells and antibodies of the immune system to help...
Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty
LASER - Painless Surgery for U3P Snoring is a common phenomenon and has a high prevalence in the general population. Snoring is more frequent in males and overweight persons, it usually grows worse with age and may be associated with restless sleep, night awakening,...
Virtual Visiting Card
Our virtual visiting card Is an electronic version that can be accessed and patients both existing and new can get in touch with the clinic and the specialist. Virtual visiting cards can be a convenient and cost-effective way to share our information with others Click...
An uncommon cause of Nasal Obstruction
Concha Bullosa - Obstruction of Nose The middle turbinate, help keep inhaled air from going directly into your sinuses by deflection of inspired air superiorly, providing moisture to inspired air. There are many reasons people suffer from nasal obstruction. Large...
Dry Ears – Why does the ear itch
All about Ear Itch Dry ears can have many causes. Ears usually produce oil and earwax to keep the ear clean and healthy. If your ears are not able to produce enough earwax. A healthy ear is a self-cleaning organ and does not normally require manual or invasive...
An Informative Article on Snoring
Times of India - Snoring saps Energy Sleep disorders can have significant negative impacts on a person's daily life. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and an overall decrease in productivity and quality of life. It can also...
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