Ear Itch – Effective Strategies for Relief and Treatment
Ear canal skin is very sensitive. The slightest accumulation of debris, even a dead hair, may be felt as an itching sensation. A normal ear has a thin layer of natural body oil but some ears produce no ear wax which results in dry and itchy ear skin due to accumulation of flakes of dry dead skin.
Having skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis (the same troublemaker responsible for dandruff) is a clue that it could be responsible.
Moisture caused by earwax build-up or excessive ear cleaning, fungal infections or an allergy can also cause itching ear.
Symptom Relief
When the itch starts, here’s what to do.
Don’t try to scratch it. Sticking an ear bud—or if you’re really foolish, a house key or paper clip—in your ear could damage your eardrum.
Oil that itch. A drop or two of olive oil, baby oil or some other vegetable oil can soothe the itch instantly.
Remove the earwax. Meet with an Otolaryngologist to remove the wax.
Treat the underlying skin problem. Meet with your skin specialist and treat the cause.
See your doctor. Because it’s difficult to see many of the causes of itching—like a fungal infection—you may benefit from consulting with your doctor if the itching persists for more than a few days.

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