From: Mamitha
Date: Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 3:04 PM
Subject: A Vote of Thanks to a wonderful Doctor.


Dear Dr. Kumaresh,


                 I am writing to express my deep gratitude for your superior care while I was undergoing treatment for papillary carcinoma. I know it took a long time for me to write an email. I was waiting for the best words to come out.

I especially appreciated the straight-forward way in which you communicated the severity of my condition. It’s never easy to hear what you had to tell me about the need for medication, and you handled the situation with care and grace.

You are a person who makes life easier and better for everyone around you. Your continual acts of thoughtfulness and kindness brightened my each day. What you did for me will glow in my memory, reviving pleasant feelings every time I think about it. It indeed is a privilege and pleasure to know you.

With a glad and grateful heart, I appreciate you and I thank you for brightening my world.  It really meant a lot.

         My recently improved health is a credit to your expertise and attentiveness. I will be certain to continue to recommend you to everyone I know. Also I wish you good health and immediate recovery.


Mamita K








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