Bad breath
A main problem is that the only person not to notice it is the person affected. Often, the only way to know about it is if the other person comments on it. However, most people are too polite to comment on another person’s problem. You may have to rely on a family member or a close friend to be honest and tell you if you have bad breath.
Most cases come from problems within the mouth such as poor oral hygiene or gum disease.
Most people have some degree of bad breath after a nights sleep. This is normal and occurs because the mouth tends to get dry and stagnate overnight. This usually clears when the flow of saliva increases soon after starting to eat breakfast.
Foods, drinks and medicines
Chemicals in foods can get into the bloodstream, and then be breathed out from the lungs. Most people are familiar with the smell of garlic, spicy foods and alcoholic drinks on the breath of people who have recently eaten or drunk these. This type is temporary and easily cured by not eating the food.
Most non-smokers can tell if a person is a smoker by their breath which ‘smells like an ashtray’. Stopping smoking is the only cure for this type.
Crash dieting or fasting
Causes a ‘sickly sweet smell’ on the breath. This is due to chemicals called ketones being made by the breakdown of fat.
Medical causes
Gum disease is a common cause, some people with nose problems or lung or tonsil infections are sometimes a cause.
Causes of bad breath coming from within the mouth
As mentioned, in most people who have the bad smell is thought to come from bacteria within the mouth. As the bacteria break down proteins and other debris in the mouth, they release foul smelling gases. One or more of the following may contribute to the build up of bacteria:
- Food stuck between teeth. The food then rots and becomes riddled with bacteria. Regular flossing can clear and prevent this problem.
- Plaque, calculus and gum disease. It forms when bacteria combine with food and saliva. Calculus, sometimes called tartar, is hardened calcified plaque.
- Coating on the back of the tongue. In some people, a ‘coating’ develops on the back part of the tongue. The coating can contain many bacteria.
The treatment of bad breath coming from within the mouth is good oral hygiene.
Routine oral hygiene – a cure for most cases:
It is important to get into a regular habit of good oral hygiene – in particular teeth brushing and flossing.
Teeth brushing
Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Spend at least two minutes brushing, covering all areas (the inside, outside, and biting areas of each tooth). Pay particular attention to where the teeth meet the gum. Get a new toothbrush every 3-4 months.
Floss your teeth at least once a day after brushing. The gums may bleed a little when you first begin to floss.
Other general tips
Other things which are important to keep your teeth and gums healthy are:
- If you smoke, try to stop. Gum disease is more common in smokers than non-smokers.
- Eat a well balanced healthy diet. In particular, you should limit the amount of sugary foods and drinks that you have.
- Have regular dental checks at intervals recommended by your dentist (this is normally at least once a year).

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