Ear Buds are not for Ear Wax cleaning
Ear wax is produced naturally by the ear to protect the ear canal and ear drum from dirt, dust, and foreign objects. It is important to leave ear wax alone, as the primary purpose of ear wax is to protect your ear canal and ear drum from foreign materials. The body will naturally push excess wax out of the ear on its own.
Having said this how do you clean your ears? What to do when it itches?
For one do not put anything inside the ears, ear wax migrates out of the canal all by itself and does not need your help. Using ear buds or other objects to try to clean out ear wax can push the wax further into the ear canal, potentially leading to ear wax impaction.
Even a small amount of wax, if wedged between the ear drum and the ear canal wall, reduces the ability of the ear drum to conduct sound that can lead to hearing loss and cough. Also, the skin of the ear canal and the eardrum is very thin and fragile and is easily injured.
If removal is needed the best way is removal under direct vision by a specialist.
If your ear itches a lot, use 2-3 drops of baby oil or olive oil (no warming or boiling) into the ear and the itching will stop for the time being. You can then visit a specialist to check for the cause and its long-term solution.
Do not self-medicate with persistent symptoms; the problem may be unrelated to wax and may be more serious.

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