How To Quit Smoking
How to quit smoking There are over 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke including formaldehyde (used to preserve dead bodies); ammonia (used in strong cleaning liquids) and cadmium (a highly poisonous metal used in batteries). Stopping smoking represents the single most...
First Hands on Head and Neck Cadaveric Dissection Workshop
Cadaveric Head and Neck Dissection Dear friends,We extend a warm welcome and a cordial invitation to the medical fraternity, to witness and be a part of the Cadaveric Hands-on Workshop to be organised at the Bangalore Medical College, Bengaluru. The goal of this...
Testimonial after Successful # Head&Neck Cancer Treatments…
Cancer is Curable if diagnosed early. I am herewith attaching testimonials from two patients who were misdiagnosed and came to me luckily in not a too advanced state, I had already posted some symptoms one should be aware of to create an awareness against this ever...
“Make a difference in the world of cancers” – specifically “head and neck cancers”
April was Oral Cancer Awareness month and awareness among the public is low. I hope to raise awareness in order to save lives in my blog. This was further strengthened by three patients who were misdiagnosed and luckily came to me at the right time. Patient1...
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